WIP Loot and Gear
Danaes DRIP Depot by Danae
Adds DRIP integration to 40+ mods
Panoplies - Helluva Ways to Suit Up by Sadnman, EJ-12, Danae et.al.
A large collection of Armor
Hilgya the Seamstress for Wares by Hilgya & Danae
Brings all of Hilgya the Seamstress to Wares.
Aoimevelho's Mods for Wares by Aoimevelho & Danae
A merge of 5 clothing and armour mods by Aoimevelho using Wares to distribute items.
I suggest installing 00 and 01, if you don't want to see nobles wearing the new robes, select 02 instead of 01.
Korana's Mods for Wares by Korana & Danae
Install 00, 01, 02
Aleanne's Mods for Wares by Aleanne, Pekka & Danae
Adds Aleanne's clothing and armour as well as Pekka's matching shields.
Silaria's Clothes for Wares by Silaria & Danae
Adds many clothing items to the game.
Killing Spree Helluva ways to kill by Sandman Danae Cognatogen Denina et. al
This mod adds close to 500 weapons to the game, either via levelled lists or hand-placed (unique weapons)
Select 00, 02.
The Assassin's Arsenal by Adul Helios Daduke Danae
You will find many exotic weapons such as sais, claws and blades as well as their off-hand counterparts.
Bob's Armories for Wares by MrDave Danae
Adds a lot of clothing and armour for the ladies, some for men as well as a few weapons.
Select 00Core and 01 Normal
Westly's Mods for Wares by Westly & Danae
Plugin replacers + assets to make Westly's wonderful mods Wares-aware (+ a few fixes and balance)
Select 00, 01 then, pick what you like.
My choices are: 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 09, 12
The Warehouse - Wares-aware mod collection by Danae et. al
Get as many or as little as you want. I've added screenshots to help you choose.
Some known issues:
Carnathius: Morrowind will ask for a script, the item with the script is not in-game, so you may disregard.
Triss: I think I added a few npcs wearing the armour BUT they are aggressive
You might want to NOT merge all the files for once, just in case you want to remove some mods from the collection.
Every Armour set Ruffin has published, basically...
A new armor set made for mod jam 2021, updated with improved models and new pieces + a new weapon
Stone Breaker Bonemold Armor by Lambshark and Ruffin Vangarr
A new early game armor created by Lambshark and slightly also by me.
Telvanni Magister Robes by Ruffin Vangarr
This mod adds unique robes for each of the Telvanni councilors including Baladas and Uvirith, Each one holds a special powerful enchantment but it won't be easy to acquire.
Sathil Mercenary and Redoran War Armor V3 by Ruffin Vangarr
an updated version of my hd remakes of Ashstaar's Sathil Mercenary and Redoran War Armor
Get the main file + Sathil Mercenary and Redoran War Armor V3.01.
Merge when prompted
Mantle of Woe Replacer by Ruffin Vangarr
Replaces the lameo mantle of woe with an appearance befitting the most powerful robe in the vanilla game.
Sacred Necromancer Armor by Ruffin Vangarr
Adds Sacred Necromancer armor to the game, used by the ordained ancestral mages of the Tribunal Temple.
Naviguate to Sacred Necromancer/Data Files
right-click and set as <data files> directory
Cammona Tong Chitin Armor by Ruffin Vangarr
adds Cammona Tong Chitin armor to the game.
Dwemer Scrap Armor v2 by Ruffin Vangarr
A new armor for you to loot from smugglers. Radical visual overhaul with V2
Altmer Glass Armor by Ruffin Vangarr
Adds Altmer glass armor, a high level light armor to various daedric shrines in the world.
Northern Redoran Armor by Ruffin Vangarr
adds a cozy new armor into the game.
A new heavy armor inspired by Skyrim Dragonborn dlc
Download both files and merge"Heavy Chitin Wares ver".
Ceremonial Adamantium Armor V2.11 by Ruffin Vangarr
A new and stylish high level medium armor for sale in Hla Oad. available in Blue and Red. Now updated with new and higher quality models.
Download main file + Ceremonial Adamantium Armor Wares version
Naviguate to Data Files, right-click and set as <data files> directory Merge when prompted
The Ebony Warrior by Ruffin Vangarr
A powerful warrior awaits you on a shore north west of dagon fel. Defeat him and take his rare equipment, but be warned; he wont go down easy.
Fashionwind - MWSE Masks and Facewraps by Ruffin Vangarr
This mod adds various lore friendly Ashmasks, Menpos and face wraps with an MWSE script that allows them to be worn without hiding your hair or even taking up the helmet slot. (requires onion layers mod)
Get the main file + Fashionwind Masks and Facewraps Un crashing esp
Merge when prompted.
Fashionwind - MWSE Glasses and Goggles V2 by Ruffin Vangarr
this mod adds glasses and goggles with an MWSE script that allows them to be worn without hiding your hair or even taking up the helmet slot. (requires onion layers mod).
Fashionwind - MWSE AND OPENMW Scarves by Ruffin Vangarr
adds fashionable scarves for your character to the game.
Bonemold Armor Replacer by CemKey
Bonemold Armor Replacer. And also adds bone gloves to the guards of Redoran.
Alternate Helmets by Endoran
This mod adds some shiny new helmets to add visual variation to vanilla armour.
Morag Tong Armor Revisited by NazoX9 and Rosynant
A reworked version of the NazoX9's Morag Tong Armor mod. Adds a new, vanilla-friendly Morag Tong Armor set to the game. Covers Tamriel Rebuilt.
Navigate to "MTAR" right-click and set as <data files> directory
Snow Prince Armor Redux by Sain_Jiub
Remodel and retexture of the Ancient Steel Armor set found in Bloodmoon.
Vaernis' Armour and Shields by Vaenis & Danae
Three sets of Armour: Dark steel, Light Steel and Dwemer.
Unidentified Items by Aurel , Axemagister, Danae
Adds unidentified rings, amulets, belts, robes, pants and shirts to the game, as well as an Identify Service from Enchanters. 200+ trait, some 30 undesirable ones. Thousands of possible items with one or two traits Players skilled in Mysticism and Enchant can learn to Identify
Unique Finery Replacer UFR by Alaisiagae
Gives most special and unique amulets, belts, rings, robes, shoes, and amulets new, unique models.
choose the plugin UFR_v3dot2.esp + icons + meshes + textures
Unique Jewelry Redone by Remiros
Unique models for all magic rings and amulets in the game
Shinies by Gawain Merlord & Danae
Gemstones, glass shards, and runestones. Perfect for the avid alchemist but, the miner hoping to strike gold, and the apprentice conjurer.
JosephMcKean Remixes and Edits by JosephMcKean et. al
Install the following files.
Shinies Wares (JosephMcKean Edit) (Merge into Shinies)
Unidentified Items (JosephMcKean Edit) (Merge into Unidentified Items)
TealPanda's Mods for Wares by TealPanda & Danae
Adds tones of plain items and some enchanted ones too. Adds new apparatus to brew new types of potions
Updates to Tealpanda's Alchemy Essentials by SigynLaufeyson
Adds new meshes & textures to the essence & potion bottles from Tealpanda's Alchemy Essentials (TAE).
Install Icons, Meshes, Textures, Sig's_AlchemyEssentialsUpdates.esp
Soul Gems for Sale by Denina
This mod adds restocking soul gems for sale at 14 vendors across Vvardenfell.
Install Soul Gems for Sale Version 1.0
Kwama Queen Royal Jelly by XeroFoxx
Kwama Queens now have valuable Royal Jelly when you kill them. A more immersive reason to raid egg mines. Poor Kwama Queens.
Download Kwama Queel Royal Jelly - Tamriel Rebuilt if you have TR, otherwise, pick the Morrowind only version
Roll The Dice by XeroFoxx
A Simple Mod that allows you to roll any dice found in Tamriel Rebuilt or OAAB Data by simply equipping it in your inventory. Gives options to roll 1 or 2 dice.
mwse Containers by Greatness7
Adds portable containers for the player's convenience. The shop is in Vivec Foreign Quarter Waistwork.
MWSE Containers Extended by Greatness7 & Spammer
Some new features for G7's classic mod that lets you buy carriable containers, some of them with sorters
Lucky Loot by Danae
Greater luck may grant you better loot
Vintage Morrowind - Alcoholic beverage mod by SigynLaufeyson
Vintage Morrowind adds 50 new types of lore-friendly alcoholic drinks.
Downalod and install "Vintage Morrowind for Tamriel Rebuilt".
Better than my own Booze for Purists, it only needs a good Wares integration.
The Uber Crystal Egg Hunt and Display by Bryss Phoenix, Fliggerty, Denina, Danae
Find 165 Crystal Eggs hidden in Morrowind dungeons. Optional addons for displays and hints.
Select the following files:
00 Core
01 Mines and Caverns Compatible
02 Display Therana
03 Hint Book Therana
04 Hint book Therana
05 Retex by Drakkmore
Adds scrolls to the leveled lists (books and scrolls) that teach cantrips to the magically challenged. Cantrips never fail but cost a lot more magicka and don't improve your skills.
Install Cantrips, then 'Cantrips - Luce Edit', merge when prompted.
Lucky Coins by Danae
Adds rare lucky coins that grant you small buffs as long as you have them with you.
Lustrous Pearls by Melchior Dahrk
Replaces pearls with HD models and textures. Includes OAAB_Data pearls and new pearl varieties. Optional add-on adds new pearl-themed items to the game.
Last updated