Chargen and Progression

This is one of my favourite aspects of many games. Skip mods that don't appeal to you.

Thousands of hair and faces carefully curated to remove the least lore-friendly ones.

Faces are still (in)famously pretty, skip if you want to stay closer to vanilla aesthetics.

Check the following option(s):

We're taking only a couple of races but feel free to add whichever you like.

Check the following option(s):

Adds Snow Elves as a playable race.

Races RESPECted - A Race Skill and Attribute Rebalance Mod by Discontinuous Qualia Petethegoat Hrnchamd

This mod tweaks racial attributes, skill bonuses, and abilities to make the races' unique identities as described in lore and through their vanilla bonuses clearer and better translate them into gameplay.

Adds an Attribute and Description widget to the Race menu so you can better plan your character.

Restores the description tooltip to the vanilla class selection menu.

Class Skill Limit by VitruvianGuar

MWSE lua mod, which imposes configurable skill caps for major, minor and misc skills, making the class choice more important and motivating to stay faithful to it. You decide what is the max skill value for Major, Minor and Misc. skills

Select from 27 different backgrounds, each with its own unique effects.

Adds a handful of new backgrounds to Merlord's character backgrounds. Some provide more of a flying start, but they all have harsher setbacks or challenges for later.

The Ronin by VvardenfellStormSage

This mod adds an additional background to Merlord's Character Backgrounds, The Ronin. The Ronin background also comes with a unique robe, straw helm, and Japanese-style wooden sandals, along with an enchanted katana. The mod also includes an optional player class, Swordslinger.

More backgrounds for Merlord's awesome mod! Play as an Assassin, Disgraced Ordinator, Prince/Princess, Merchant, or Artisan!

Raised by Beasts by VvardenfellStormSage

This mod adds 2 additional backgrounds for Merlord's Character Backgrounds mod - Raised by Argonian and Raised by Khajiit.

Raised by Cultists by VvardenfellStormSage

Adds an additional background to Merlord's Character Backgrounds, Raised by Cultists.

Select the Daedric Intervention version if you have Daedric Intervention installed or if you plan to follow the gameplay section of this guide.

The Bone Collector by VvardenfellStormSage

Adds an additional necromancy themed background to Merlord's Character Backgrounds, The Bone Collector.

Only install this if you plan to install Necrocraft (that appears later in this guide). You will also need the following mod:

Necromancer Robes by Ruffin Vangarr

Adds new Necromancer Attire to the game for aspirants and masters of the dark arts alike.

Navigate to Necromancer robes / Data Files.

Right-click Data Files, select "set as <data Files> directory, click OK.

Background - The Vampire by JosephMcKean

Adds The Vampire background for Merlord's Character Backgrounds mod. Players with this background start as a vampire and the game starts at night.

9 new character backgrounds for Merlord's Character Backgrounds, focusing on challenge characters, the wretched, and the weird.

100+ classes (vanilla, NPC classes, TR classes, new classes) that get a specific set of items and/or spells and powers as well as MWSE skill buffs. specifically tailored to your class. Loadouts include vanilla, TR, OAAB, and, depending on your modlist, items from your mods. Includes custom classes.

The Astrologer and the Nightsky by Sephumbra & Danae

The Astrologer class has a unique power: Divination. The Nightsky birthsign's effects change every month.

Each birthsign now has a few variants (including the original one) for a grand total of 40 new lore-friendly birthsigns. If you want even more lore-friendly options, check out On the Cusp by Juidius Xentao

Divine Providence by Apoapse & Danae OR PRAY - Prayers Rituals And You by hornsilk

DIVINE PROVIDENCE: Pick a deity and get blessings (powers, spells, abilities) as you level up. Note: some blessings are OP.

Check the following option(s):

PRAY adds Tribunal, Divine, Ashlander, and Sixth House Prayers into the game. You are able to pray once a day and praying will level up the corresponding skill, unlocking new prayers and rituals over time.

PRAY is superior to Divine Providence is still in developpment. Currently Daedra Worship and The All-Maker are not supported, but planned.

Dynamic Class Images by Melchior Dahrk and Merlord

This mod makes it so that the class images you see during character creation and when leveling up are specific to your class, yes, even custom classes.

An MWSE leveling mod that implements most features of Galsiah's Character Development.

I honestly keep going back and forth between this, MULE ( very similar, includes skill decay) and vanilla-style levelling.

Tweaks how Restore/Damage Attribute works on the player. Required by certain mods. No meaningful gameplay effect on its own. Required for the previous mod to work as intended.

Daily Training by Kleidium

This MWSE mod allows you to spend time training rather than wasting time waiting. Gain small experience in trained skill per hour trained, with or without restrictions. Allows the accumulation of a daily streak. Configurable limits based on stats.

It Takes One to Know One - A perk mod by Danae, AxeMagister and LazyPilot

Faction members will acknowledge your rank within the faction and grant you a perk unique to the faction. Faction members of sufficient rank will acknowledge your skill in the faction's favoured skills and grant a perk for the skill (50 expert, 75 master, 100 grandmaster)

It Takes One To Know One - Harder Requirements.esp is optional. To promote you, guld expects you to be good at a second favouted skill and attribute).

Some factions will now refuse you membership if you have already joined other factions that they disapprove of. Others will make you jump through some extra hoops if you're a member of a faction they dislike.

With this mod, some classes of Npcs, offer proper services and the factions offer new privileges to high-ranking players.

Right-click Data Files, select "set as <data Files> directory, click OK.

I edited the value of the robes for balance and compatibility with Melchior's Mage Robes, Tweaked the position of some inquisitors for compatibility with Baar Dau - Ministry of Truth and tweak one line of dialogue for compatibility with FMI - Sane Ordinators. tweaked PP_Hlaalu_script for compatibility with Yet Another Guard Diversity.

Install in the same folder as the main mod, when prompted, click "merge"

Character Goals by Lucevar

Set a goal for your character! See it on your character sheet, generate a random goal, write a custom goal yourself.

Character Goals Expanded by NewVegasRaider

Expanded Random Goal Generation for Lucevar's Character Goals Mod

I recommend merging this into the Character Goals folder in MO2 left pane.

Drop a tombstone at the place of your death, along with an epitaph and an item from your inventory. The next character to come across the tombstone will be able to pay their respects and receive the item as a relic.

UI overhaul allowing generate a random name for your character upon character creation.

To install, follow these steps:

Download directly into your MO2/downloads folder and install normally

Randomised Chargen by Petethegoat

Lets you randomise your race, appearance, class, and birthsign.

Currently a WIP but I do not care, this is everything I want and it can only get better.

Seamless chargen that lets you pick a scenario to begin your journey. Each scenarios comes with a few items that let you role-play right from the start.

Last updated