Mods I love but can live without - I think
You want more mods, here's a list of mods I've used for a long time and only removed because I am desperately trying to go below 1k mods and above 20fps - It does not mean those mods are bad for fps!!
All these mods have been on my modlist for a while, they are compatible with DAIM. I simply found I did not use them often at all.
Been There Done That by Merlord
Shows you which dungeons have been cleared (i.e. killed all hostiles) in the tooltip and map menu.
Borrowed Time by VitruvianGuar
MWSE lua mod, which prevents Fortify Health and Drain Health effects from killing actors outright, leaving them at least one health point.
Spell Scroll Text Overhaul by Tizzo + Extended Daedric Scrolls by blueclock3000
Bethesda got lazy and wrote "WHO UPON YOU" on most scrolls. These 2 mods change the text to reflect what the scroll does. Works great with Morrowind UI Revamped that shows the Daedric alphabet or Daedric Primer that adds books you can consult to translate. (both mods in this list)
Player Made Magic Rename by Abot
You can rename a player-made spell or enchanted item.
Immersive Run Fix by Petethegoat or Run Faster - Faster Running Speed by Masterofnocrack
Immersive Run Fix: an actual fix where running backwards and/or diagonally is slower than running forwards
Run Faster: a QoL mod that increases your running speed.
Small Quality of Life Improvements - MWSE by Spammer
Some small fixes and quality of life changes (Map hotkey, Scroll easy equip...) I thought I'd share, not crucial enough to deserve their own mods.
Data Files,
select "set as <data Files> directory, click OK.
Under Construction by Necrolesian
Great House strongholds don't magically appear anymore, you'll see scaffolding while they are under construction.
Who's where by Abot
Shows in a dedicated MCM panel the interesting actors you talked to and where you can find them. Particularly useful if you have tons of quest mods.
Magican't by Tewlwolow
This mod empties the magic chance fillbar when you don't have enough magicka to cast the spell.
Smart Shield by Abot
Select a shield as your preferred shield, you'll re-equip it automatically after using something other than your one-handed weapon.
Only use this if you selected "Two-handed weapon removes shield" option in MCP
Inventory Sorter by Abot
Use the defined Sorting Order Key/Right Mouse Click Combos to select Inventory/Contents/Barter items secondary sorting order.
Adds a heat haze shader where it's hot.
Be sure to also grab Null's patch if you decide to install Heat Haze.
Smoking Yurts by Leyawynn
Yurts with fire indoors now have smoke outdoors.
Thunders & Lightnings by Abot
During a storm, you'll see lightning, be sure to avoid them, the results are ... shocking.
Download directly into your MO2/downloads folder.
Data Files,
select "set as <data Files> directory, click OK.
Wonders of Water by Nullcascade
This mod attempts to make water react more to the world.
MWSE Dynamic Object Replacer by GOOGLEPOX
Framework for loading config files to dynamically replace objects at runtime. No lua knowledge is required!
Glowing Ghosts by Sataniel
Imperial guards are not clones anymore
Yet Another Guard Diversity Expanded Imperials by Half11, SkoomaPro & Danke
Get "Yet Another Guard Diversity Bloodmoon Imperials" and "Yet Another Guard Diversity Tamriel Rebuilt Imperials 23.10 Cleaned".
When prompted, select "merge".
Skyrim-like Draugr Eyes by R-Zero
Data Files,
select "set as <data Files> directory, click OK.
Overlooked Meshes Replacer by Remiros
Check the following option(s):
Better Barnacles by R-Zero
Data Files,
select "set as <data Files> directory, click OK.
I find the upscale textures from IT enough.
Dunmer Lantern Replacer by Melchior Dahrk
Glow effect: NO
Tamriel Dara: YES
Style: more detailed
Texture: option 1 or 2
Undoes most of what "Improved Lights for All Shaders" does.
Last updated