Core mods - Data, Graphics, TR
This first batch of mods will give you many optimised graphics. ✨ means it's a requirement (other mods need it)
Many of the mods we're using need this huge collection of assets.
Unless specified otherwise, you can let MO2 install automatically.
I recommend always clicking on "manual" to see what you're installing, possibly to uncheck the "docs", folder: you don't need this loaded in your game and MO2 lets you read the Nexus page which often has the same info as the readme. There's also the occasional "screenshots" folder.
Click manual and select the following option(s):
✨OAAB_Data by Melchior Dahrk et al.
Another large library of assets.
Download the main file and HD Data
Main file: Check the following option(s):
then install HD data in the same folder (left pane) and select "merge" when prompted
A smaller collection of assets.
Download AATL_Data.
Check the following option(s):
Dr_Data by LondonRook & Tapetenklaus
Resource Pack and Asset Library for LondonRooks assets.
✨WeaponSheathing -MWSE by Greatness7
Weapons are now sheathed on the back or at the hips. Option for shields on the back too.
Download WeaponSheathing1.6-MWSE
Expand the
folder, thealternate draw animations
, and then `animation compilation`.Drag the
folder there into theData Files
Data Files,
select "set as <data Files> directory, click OK.
This mod is now a manual download. In MO2, click on file (top left corner), install mod and navigate to the archive you just downloaded.
Adds sheaths to weapons that previously didn't have any
Download and install normally.
✨Morrowind Optimization Patch by Remiros et al.
Improves the look of objects and performance.
Check the following option(s):
✨Graphic Herbalism MWSE by Greatness7 &Stuporstar
Activate a plant to harvest it, leaving the part you don't pick up visible.
Check the following option(s):
When prompted, select "Merge"
double-click on "Graphic Herbalism - MWSE and OpenMW Edition" in the left pane and navigate to " optional esps". Move correcrUV Ore Replacer_respawning.esp to the left-hand side, unless you want ore containers (glass, diamond, ebony) to repsawn over time, in which case, move correctUV Ore Replacer_respawning.esp to the left-hand side.
No longer get stuck on phantom ash yams
✨Intelligent Textures by Remiros OR Morrowind Enhanced Textures by DassID et al.
HD vanilla textures.
Check the following option(s):
✨Project Atlas by Melchior Dahrk et al.
improves performance
Check the following option(s):
Textures: Intelligent Textures
✨Glow in the Dahrk by Melchior Dahrk
Windows glow at night, sunrays come through windows during the day.
Nord Glass Windows: yes
Raven Rock Glass Windows: yes
Dark Molag Mar: Yes
Which optional files would you like to use? Hi Res Window Texture Replacer
Telvanni Dormers on Vvardenfell: Exclude Tel Uvirith
Telvanni Tower Interior Glow: MGE XE
✨Remiros' Groundcover by Remiros
When you enable the mod (left pane), immediately disable all the plugins Rem_ (right pane)
We NEVER load grass plugins
We only select them when generating Distant Land in MGE XE.
This applies to all the remaining plugins in this section and optionsl grass plugins other mods may provide.
Adds animated grass, little rocks, and mushrooms to the land. You can use other ground cover mods, I still to Remiros' because most patches are made for it and I love the tiny mushrooms.
Check the following option(s):
Find Remiros' Groundcover in the MO2 left pane and double-click.
Navigate to "Optional esps" and move Rem_Solstheim.esp to the left hand side using the arrow.
Vurt's Corals by Vurt
Adds coral on the sea floor
Vurt's Reeds by Vurt
Adds reeds on the shores.
Hide Grass by Abot
Vanilla grass is now generated through distant land, boosting performance.
Data Files,
select "set as <data Files> directory, click OK.
You must manually extract from the archive mge3 and Mopy into your Morrowind root folder
During Distant Land generation, under the "Statics" tab, you must edit the overrides and add "Hide Grass.ovr found in Morrowind/mge3.
OAAB Saplings by Melchior Dahrk
Select the following options:
BODY / HEAD / HAIR / GEAR replacers
I won't play without those, but you might not like Better Bodies, feel free to skip this whole section.
For something much closer to vanilla (but better) try Morrowind Bodies Reimagined and skip all the clothes/armour replacers of this section.
Westly's Faces Refurbished by MerchLis & Westly
Download Westly's Faces Refurbished + Westly's Faces Refurbished - TR_Data
When prompted, click "merge"
For something closest to vanilla, try Familiar Faces by Caleb + Kartofel's Facelift_TR.
Better Bodies 3.2 (Better Beasts) by Psychodog Studios
Expand "Better Bodies 3.2 (Better Beast)"
00 Better Bodies
, select "set as <data Files> directory"
Robert's Bodies for Tamriel Data by kartoffel
This makes all Tamriel Data races use Robert's Bodies.
Pick the options you like best, I went with
thenBrown Loincloth
Better Clothes Complete by Psychodog Studios et al.
Check the following option(s):
Better Clothes Retextured by Vonwolf et al.
CanadianIce Robe replacer (Nioliv) by CanadianIce & Nioliv
Download "IceNioLivRobeReplacer", install Icons, Meshes, Textures and IceNioLiveRobe ReplacerALL.esp.
Note: If you kept vanilla(-like) bodies, you might like the HurdyGurdy replacer.
Mages Robes by Melchior Dahrk
How do you play the game? MGE XE
Texture Resolution: HD
Better Morrowind Armor by Moranar
Expand "Complete Armor Joints", then "Data Files".
Drag its contents into the
Data Files
folder below Complete Armor Joint.Right-click on the second
Data Files
folder, select <data files> directoryselect
,Better Morrowind Armor.esp
andComplete Armor Joints
Alex's Better Fitted Female Armors by AngryKarakuri
get Alex's Better Fitted Female Armors - Tribunal and Alex's Better Fitted Female Armors v.1.1
When prompted, select "merge"
Plangkyes_Partial_Female_Cuirass_Replacer by Plangkye
Last updated