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This is where you stop for the vanilla+ experience. At this point, you're Morrowind is looking pretty good already, major bugs/annoyances are gone and you have tons more to discover.
Re-run your distant land
Run MLOX to sort your modlist
Run tes3merge to create merged_objects
Run MLOX again
Run Wrye Mash to enable BSA (if any, none at this point), synch headers.
With Wrye Mash, you can enable BSA archives. Previously, you would need to edit your Morrowind.ini or use a separate tool. Now, simply ...
click on "BSA Archive in the top-right corner of Wrye Mash
enable (tick) the BSA as you would a mod.
click on the mod
bottom left corner, click on the list of masters associated with this mod
click save.
While you are in-game, take a look at the MMC (Morrowind Mod Config) to change a few settings. It's often down to personal choice but here are a few suggestions:
Abot's Give or Take:
Show moved items statistics; NO
Logging level; 0. disable
Abot's Inventory Sorter
Sorting Order combo > set hotkey you light, defaut right mouse button is annoying. I use middle-mouse button.
Book Pickup: disable picking owned ON
Cast on hit Bows: both options off.
Log Level NONE
Modifier chances: I reduce the first modifier to 3%, so enchanted items are rarer but increase wild to 15% so some enchanted items can be especially good.
Expeditions Exit: allow alt-F4 ON
Glow in the Dahrk: Log level NONE
Graphic Herbalism: both options OFF
Just Drop it! Lof level NONE
Morrowind Script Extender: log warnings with lua stacktrace OFF (those are the warnings from warnings.txt, we don't need them cluttering MWSE.log)
Ownership indicator:
Autohide crosshair NO
Ownership Indicator texture YES
Crosshair scale + Indicator scale 0.5
Quest reward skill fix: Generic quest fix option ON
Quickkey hotbar: bottom
Reading is Good: Soft cap
Shrine tooltip: Logging Level NONE
Small QoL Improvements: all but I heard you the first time and I'm gonna need a bigger map.
Sophisticated Save System
Pretty much up to you there. I use NO for the last 3 options but have the autosave set to 5 minutes.
Tamriel Data: Add New Summoning Spells OFF
UI Expansion:
Show help tooltips where available OFF
Display value/weight ratio ON
Transfer stack between inventories without holding alt OFF (so alt+click on an item to quickly transfer it)
Change map mode on cell change OFF (so you can run outside with the local map)
Weapon Sheathing: you need to blacklist all the mods that give npcs fake shields such as Animated Morrowind, Hold it. You can black list by item too (good if the items are used in multiple mods) typically, look for anything AM_* and aa_*
The next 3 pages will be mods that make Morrowind more dynamic, alive and pretty, bringing us to the vanilla++ level.