Towns and Quests

I've taken a very modular approach so as to have best compatibility between towns and quests


AATL Official Mods by AATL Team

A collection of mods that use AATL_DATA

Install Dev Room: no

Alt Crook of the Ancestors & Oblivionesque Chilleredn: your choice, images to help you pick

AATL Mini Integrations: playable classes + Unique Vanila Generic Items

A Merchant's Whim: Merchant Alt Location

Samarys Ancestral Tomb: no

Adds bell towers to several settlements that ring at dawn, midday, and dusk.

Download BalmoraBell & SuranBell

Install in the same folder (left pane) and merge when prompted

Select "SuranBellWhite.esp" + assets

Select "BalmoraHightTownBell.esp" + assets

Adds a notice board and quests to a few towns

Dartboards by RandomPal & Danae

A simple mod that adds dartboards in common/imperial taverns.

Dartboards: Vanilla

This mod adds five new travel points, one for each of these Imperial towns: Ebonheart, Caldera, Pelagiad, Seyda Neen, and Gnisis. Dagon Fel and Solstheim are excluded due to it being on and island. The travel is possible through guar-drawn carts, and each of the carts are set just outside of their respective settlements.

Imperial Stables by Danae, Merlord and Urm

Adds stables where you can leave your pets, and possibly sleep if you are really broke to all Imperial settlements.

Select the following option(s)

Radiant Quests by Wanderra, TwilotSpankle, Cutthroat mods & Ivza

Adds simple repeatable tasks to Morrowind, in the form of a job noticeboard outside Ra'virr's in Balmora.

Morrowind is full of ships, boats and skiffs but who built them and where? Our mod seeks to answer these questions once and for all by adding shipyards to towns by the sea. The mod adds shipyards to Sadrith Mora, Seyda Neen and Gnaar Mok with four engaging quests in total.

This mod is changing the appearance of mages guild halls a bit.

You will need to enable the bsa in Wrye Mash!

Taddeus' Foods of Tamriel by Taddeus & Danae

This mod adds Ashfall compatible Foods from all over Tamriel as well as a few shops and Food Outposts. It also adds ovens that can be used to bake bread and pies. More baking recipes are available if you have a rolling pin.

Select the following option(s)

The Ashlanders by RandomPal & Vegetto

Overhaul of the Ashlander Camps

Select the following option(s)

Ashlanders Herd provides a solution to a dialogue inconsistency and spices up Ashlander camps by adding domesticated Guar and Shalk painted with tribal identifiers.

Brother Juniper's excellent Ashlander Traders mod, edited for compatibility and extra dialogue. Adds Ashlander Traders who will sometimes appear in Balmora, Ald-ruhn, or Suran.

Download "Ashlander Traders Remastered - Rocky West Gash"

Adds a playable version of the board game The Royal Game of Ur to Vvardenfell, with betting and practice options against a full AI. Requires assets from the mod "The Royal Game of Ur" by LordBerandas.

This mod adds pieces of ancient dwemer boardgame into various ruins around Vvardenfell. Can you collect them all?

Re-clutters Nordic interiors on Sosltheim in true Nordic style.

Select the following option(s)


Install Meshes, and Ald-Ruhn Temple Expansion1.5.esp

Ald'ruhn-under-Skar by Nwahs and Mushrooms Team

More atmospheric Manor District.

download Ald-ruhn EN

Select Data Files

Adds small touches from the concept art to Redoran towns.

A new Bonemold smith has opened shop in Aldrhun.

A new mineral collector in Ald Rhun is looking for adventurers.

Adds an office to the Redoran Council Entrance that is available to the player once the rank of Archmaster is achieved.

Overhauls the Redoran Council Hall, adding new areas of interest within the original cell, as well as new NPCs and dialogue.

Replace the original Skar model and textures in Ald-Ruhn with a new one and replace the Skar interior to match the new exterior.

Select the following option(s)

This mod details and overhauls the Council Club in Ald-ruhn to make it more immersive and interesting to visit.

The Redoran Bard by RingComics

Free Nirie Selleth from slavery and help her find the Redoran Blessed Lute of the Warrior Poet.

Ald Skar Inn Overhaul RandomPal and DimNussens

Overhaul of the Ald Skar Inn in Ald'Ruhn

Introducing new Redoran buildings in Ald'ruhn

Select the following options:

  • Concept Art Hut

Hours of gameplay, a dangerous RESCUE MISSION, a strange ARTIFACT, ever-lasting COMPANIONSHIP, odd CHARACTERS and ROMANCE for male as well as female PC Characters - you'll find it all in the Witchgirl Adventure.


Disappointed after hearing Ald Redaynia described as a small village to find nothing but a tower? This mod corrects that issue, by adding docks, houses, a tavern, a chapel and a tradehouse. There are a couple of minor quests, plus a player home for sale.

Install the assets and the Ald Redaynia Extanded.esp

Redaynia Village by DarkElfGuy

Redaynia Village is a small fishing town just below its namesake, Ald Redaynia. Transport is available from Khuul and Dagon Fel.

I picked this one because transport to the village is nice, the flavour dialogue is great and it adds a new dungeon as well. It's compatible with Princess Stomer's mod which also adds quests. I like quests. R-Zero's version of Ald Redaynia is also great, very lore-friendly and fits right-in. I also like Anu's version that makes the village totally abandoned but overhauls the dungeon (vanilla location).

Download Redaynia Village Compatibility Version.


Tales of Ald Velothi by Enclavekiller, Greatness7, Lady Phoenix Fire Rose & PikachunoTM

This mod sets out to make Ald Velothi not so underwhelming as in Vanilla, enjoy two new large quests, a clutter touch-up of the village as well as a basic clutter pass for the nearby daedric ruins.

The Lord of Rebirth by Twinkling Twilights

Explore a realm in conflict between undead void pirates and a group of alchemists with members from all over Tamriel. Join one of them or find an alternate path to end the stalemate. Includes new weapons and items to earn as rewards.

Travel to Ald Velothi, seek out a Redoran scholar specialising in the native fauna, and gain a Dunmer's best friend.


A Widow in Debt by Miamian

Short quest in Balmora.

The disused catacombs under Balmora make a fine spot for a flea market. Food, drink, jewellery, home goods, and tailoring, are all available and guaranteed watched over by the sacred dead.

OR (the 2 are not compatible)

Adds an inn that acts as a quest hub for four companions

  • Vanilla faces: personal choice

  • audio no music: personal choice

  • BCOM Compat: no

Expands and redecorates the interiors of the Balmora mages and fighters guild (as well as minor changes to the Temple). Also adds new quests, NPCs, and dialogue. Now with OAAB.

Select meshes, textures and Balmora Guild Expanded.esp

Lore-friendly, atmospheric enhancements to many Balmora interiors, to reflect the personality and social status of their owners, make them feel lived in and in some cases, to give NPCs somewhere to sleep!

Adds a statue of Hlaalu Brevur to Balmora High Town district.

This mod adds a small apartment to the rooftop of Caius' house, plus a basement addon beneath the stairs containing ample storage.

Downlaod and install the main file + Blue Kanet Tea.

Install in the same folder (left pane)

Click merge when prompted.

ALSO, if you want something bigger, courtesy of the Blades.

Adds the Blades’ secret Headquarters - basically a guildhall - in a (not so big) system of caves under Balmora, fort Moonmoth, and Caldera. You’ll get access to it after you become a Novice.

Dras the Dunmer Legionnaire by QwertyQuit - ErwintheGerman

Meet with Tendndras Lonvyn of the Imperial Legion in Balmora and earn his trust... or enmity.

There is an optional plugin Dras Censorship.esp` that removes the more sensitive sexual contents.

This mod started as a simple house mod and expanded into an entire smuggling faction - while still allowing you to choose the high road and be rewarded for killing Dura as instructed. Get to work with Larrius Varro again as he sticks his nose into more of Vvardenfell's dirty business. Or choose the profitable path of a smuggler and climb the ranks.

  • Game engine: MGE XE

  • Balmora mod patches: Balmora Waterworks

Even Seedier Eight Plates by Lucevar and Von Djangos

Visual overhaul of the Eight Plates tavern in Balmora, combined with an expansion of the NPC and dialogue overhaul from Von Djangos' The Seedy Plates

Download the following files:

  • Main files Even Seedier Eight Plates

  • Optional file Morag Tong Polished Patch

  • Optional file: Seedier Eight Plates Vvardenfell Ablutions Addon

Install the files in that order, merge when prompted

Balmora Outskirts - Stoneflower trading post by Katya Karrel_Ruffin Vangarr

This mod adds a new cozy trading post/tavern to the outskirts of Balmora. There you can meet a Khajiit bard who sings her native songs, try delicious bantam guar meat, and explore the nearby egg mine...

Illuminated Order Improved by Charles J DeVito & Mort

Join a cult of necromancers, wizards, vampires, and adventurers, and become a lich.

Even More Illuminated Order Improved Fixes by Lucevar - Ronik - Katya - Folcro - mort - CJ DeVitoe

This is a patch based on Katya's Stoneflower Trading Post-compatible version, which was based on Folcro's Illuminated Order - More Fixes (.esp only), which was based on Mort's Illuminated Order Improved, which was based on the original classic Illuminated Order by Charles J DeVito. Whew!

Download and install the main file only.

Lucky Lockup Additions by Midgetalien

Adds quests, dialogue, a basement and rum to the Balmora inn.

Overhauls the Lucky Lockup Tavern in Balmora - subtle atmospheric improvements on the original floor, with a new basement with a kitchen and places for all the NPCs to sleep.

PC Clothier Balmora by AimeeKae & Zobator

With this mod, your character can become the owner of a clothier shop.

Pillow Mage Manor by Stuporstar & Denina

Illustrious Upholstery and Furnishings in Balmora has a problem -- an infestation of furniture golems. Delve into the pillow mage's dungeon to discover his secrets, and take over his mad underground manor.

Replaces the meshes of several buildings in Balmora's Labor Town slum with cracked, run-down versions. Optionally adds broken cobblestones that haven't been repaired properly.

Select 00 Core

Revamps the South Wall Cornerclub with the goal of creating an atmospheric and believable nightclub and Thieves Guild headquarters.


Expand 'Addons" and 'Data Files'

Drag SW_TRData + OAABIntegrations.esp from 'Addons' to 'Data Files'

Right-click on Data Files, select "set <data files>as directory".

Allows the player to purchase Balmora, Hlaalo Manor empty or furnished after completing the quest House Hlaalu: The Death of Ralen Hlaalo.

This mod adds a quest that explores Ranis Athrys's background and her parents' murder.

Edits to Larrius Varo's quest to allow more discretion than having a massive barfight

This simple mod will put planters in the Balmora mages guild that will be filled with the plants you bring to Ajira

The Sanguine Rose by Melchior Dahrk

The Sanguine Rose adds a fully featured Daedric Quest for Sanguine, the prince of hedonistic revelry, debauchery, and passionate indulgences of darker natures. An Ordinator has been sniffing out Sanguine's shrine and he wants you to take care of the nosy do-gooder in an unconventional way.

Engine: MWSE + MGE XE

Texture Resolution: HD

Patches: Magicka Expanded

Transforms Vvardenfell's most premier and exclusive neighborhood into something far more worthy of the name 'High Town'.

Select the following option(s)

An overhaul of the Odai river canal in Balmora and new sewersystem.

Do you use Project Atlas? yes

Do you use Animated Morrowind - Merged? Yes, vanilla Morrowind engine

South Walll Corner Club? Yes, South Wall Den of Iniquity

Interior Patches: Even Seedier Eight Plates + Dura gra-Bol House Reclaimed

Exterior Patches: none

Because this mod heavily edits the landscape, move it down your modlist (right pane, plugins tab).

Tweaks to several vanilla quests to provide better integration with Balmora sewers and the waterfront district from MwGek's "Balmora Waterworks"

Download "Quests In Balmora Waterworks - no Dura gra-Bol"

Gwen is in her alpha stage right now, (but still fully playable), but any future updates "should" not affect existing games. Please see full description for details (you will need to).

get the main files + patch. Merge when prompted

Naviguate to Data Files and right-click on "Data Files" and click set as <data files> directory

Note: Rubberman is not currently modding, not updates are expected but Gwen is still a fun companion, even in alpha


Rebuilds the interior and exterior of the Caldera governors manor to be more imposing.

Lore-friendly and balanced expansion of the Caldera Mages Guild, with some quests and new NPCs.

  1. Downlaod and Install the main file first

  2. Download Caldera Mages Guild Expanded 1.3 & CMGE - StavMaGao compatible version by RandomPal. When prompted, select "merge".

  3. Download and install UV fix file. When prompted, select "merge".

Caldera Mine Expanded by Greatness7, Melchior Dahrk & TheDrunkenMudcrab

This mod expands Caldera Mine in every way possible. New quests (Including a Great House quest for all three Great Houses), new NPCs, new side quests, an expanded exterior and interior, and overall a completely lore-friendly revamp of Caldera Mine.

Caldera Priory has been overrun by the Undead. Do you have the courage and the will to venture into the Depths of Blood and Bone and vanquish the ancient Evil that has taken hold of the lands above?

Select the following option(s)

Install and merge HD Textures.

Expedition to Mzelthuand by Greatness7, Melchior Dahrk & TheDrunkenMudcrab

Off the shoreline of the Bitter Coast region, a Dwemer Ruin has appeared. Take up your spells and delve into the deepest and darkest of Dwemer mysteries within an enigmatic study facility that holds far more than it lets on.

  1. Download and install the main file.

  2. Download and install "Expedition to Mzelthuand - Cleaned Melchior Dahrk (updated 11 June 2020). Select "merge" when prompted.

Izi-inspired Caldera by Izi & Danae

Adds ladders and platforms to Caldera. No other edits for maximum compatibility.

Improves most interiors in Caldera in a lore-friendly way using OAAB/TD assets.

This mod adds the missing 7th and 8th barrier scrolls, adds a quest to find the (now rare) 9th barrier scroll, and adds new lore surrounding The Nine Barriers.

Game engine: MGE XE

Compatibility Patches: Maar Gan - Town of Pilgrimage (mod is below)

A new shop outside of Caldera with a wide variety of imported goods (OAAB and TR items). And the mannequins to showcase your new armor!

The Doors - Caldera by Arcimaestro Antares and WH-Reaper

This mod adds some city doors to the city of Caldera and a few walls around it. These doors are closed during the night and open in the morning.

Expand "The Doors - Caldera 1.3"

Right-click on "Data Files" and click set as <data files> directory

A small repeatable quest that can earn you money. Challenge an expert archer into a marksmanship showdown and show the world how skilled you are!

In the quaint town of Caldera, the innkeeper, Shenk, becomes the centre of attention: the once-idyllic life of innkeeper Shenk takes a dark turn when his wife vanishes without a trace, leaving behind a trail of speculation and intrigue.

Select the following option(s):

Work for the Center for Provincial Religious Studies in Caldera to uncover the mystery of the Prophet Veloth and learn the Tri-Angled Truth. Are you enlightened enough to get the opportunity to read Veloth's greatest teaching?


Less Epic Dagon Fel by Mikeandike & Danae

Expands the presence of Dwemer ruins surrounding the village to play up Dagon Fel's unique attractions and charm.

Dagon Fel Redone by Markond

Dagon Fel remade with TR Nord assets.

A lighthouse has been added to the North-West of Dagon Fel. Meet Vigunn, the Nord lighthousekeeper.

Select the following option(s)

Dagon Fel Mill Redux by Kursan & RandomPal

Introduces a water wheel-powered Mill into Dagon Fell with a Smithy and Armory shop.

In the small village of Dagon Fel, there lives a woman by the name of Rinida Honwyer. She claims her poor, sweet innocent brother has been kidnapped by smugglers.

Double click the mod in MO2 and go to the Optional ESPs tab, move to the left (make optional):

Sails and Sales by Dark Sisterhood

Become the captain of your own ship, recruit crew members and acquire cargo to sell. At long last, you may sail the Seas or row on the lakes and rivers!

Select the following option(s)

A scientific expedition headed into the Sea of Ghosts has failed to report on their progress. An investigator from the Imperial Navy has been dispatched to locate the White Wave and is looking for a hand. Join his crew to unravel what happened to the White Wave in the frozen northern waters...

Select the following option(s)

Ius the Animal God by TDM and Danae

Ius the Animal God has a questline full of adventure, drama, comedy, and romance, not to mention an artifact weapon, a companion, and more!

Load after The Professionals.esp


Ebonheart underworks by Abot, Danae, Lucevar & Tizzo

Ebonheart now has its sewage system. With filth, rats, people and quests.

Thieves Guild heist for the legendary artifact from the TES 1: Arena, and a dungeon overhaul.

Select and install meshes, textures, 'Hammer Heist Imperium.esp'

Buy and sell goods for profit.

Small new dock area in Ebonheart, just for aesthetics.

Supply Chain by Denima

Adds 12 infinitely repeatable quests. Ask about 'little secret' in Ebonheart to get started.

Castle Ebonheart and the Imperial Chapel interiors have been refurbished, now featuring OAAB and TR assets. The castle should now resemble a proper ducal estate and seat of imperial power in Vvardenfell.

Overhauls the Six Fishes tavern in Ebonheart to be more memorable and lively. 2 new quests. The top floor is now an officers' lounge and a bottom floor with a kitchen and rental rooms has been added.

This carefully crafted mod introduces an Imperial lighthouse that stands tall and proud in the heart of Ebonheart's harbor.

Select the following option(s)


Mika's Cozy Gnaar Mok Only by Mika - Danae's edit

A small replacer of the villages of the Bitter Coast - Hla Oad and Gnaar Mok, turns it into cosy fishing villages in the Dunmer style.

I have simply removed all edit to Hla Oad so we can can Nwahs and Mushrooms Team's version.

Hla Oad by Nwahs and Mushrooms Team

Detailing Hla Oad to make this village more habitable. More defined boundaries. Fences! At the same time, we wanted to show Hla Oad to the poor village, as Camonna Tong intended.

Get the main file, the optional weather files it always rain in Hla Oad.

Shabby Gnaar Mok by Lucevar

Visual overhaul of the Hlaalu building in Gnaar Mok to look more run-down and shabby.

Bitter Coast Houseboat by Jan Heuser and Danae

Adds a cosy houseboat in the Bitter Coast near Aleft. Storage, small forge, dock, row boat...

Select the following option(s):

  • Qualia's version adds a second floor, pretty and lore-friendly

  • RandomPal is in fact in the exterior cell (no load door)

  • Mika's is very very pretty and cozy


RR Mod Series - Ghostgate Fortress by Resdayn Revival Team

New models and textures for Ghostgate and Ghostfence pylons based on Morrowind concept art.

Select the following option(s):

Join the Buoyant Armigers as a recruit and help keep Vvardenfell safe from the forces of Dagoth Ur.

Memento Mori by Team Gobblin Goblins

Discover the Great Ossuaries of Ayem, Seht, and Vehk on the slopes of Red Mountain and their associated catacombs deep beneath the volcano.

Select the following option(s):


This mod adds a new alchemy shop in Gnisis and includes a delivery quest.

Gnisis Docks by AliceL93 and PoodleSandwich + Danae's edits

General Darius wants Widow Vabdas' land because he would like to build a new dock for the Legion. With this mod, an actual dock will appear near Vabdas' hut, a few days after the quest is finished by stealing the land deed.

Danae's edits: compatibility with grass mod and Shipyards of Vvardenfell

Manual installation. Select all except...

Do NOT install Gnisis Docks - Rebirth 4.71 Compatibility v0.61.esp

Install my edits in the same folder (left pane), merge when prompted.

She's unpredictable. She's unreliable. She's greedy. She's trouble. As a companion, she is probably worth her weight in... scrap metal. On the other hand, she might be an amusing company. At least if you can stand a companion that loves to chat your ears off, drink your booze, and pick the pockets of your friends.

Download the file from Emma's website.

In MO2, click, Files, then Install Mod

Very Vanilla Concept Art Gnisis by Heart of the Velothi Team, RandomPal & W-E-R-D-N-A

Replaces a few buildings in Gnisis with those from Heart of Velothi.

This mod rebuilds and expands the Gnisis Eggmine complex from scratch, which includes the Eggmine, the Lower Eggmine, the Underground Stream, and Bethamez. It also adds a quest.

select 00 Core

Leap of Faith by Lucevar

A new merchant has come to Gnisis, selling potions of jump to would-be fast travellers. A pilgrim has gone missing. Are these two things as unrelated as they might seem?

Small cave dwelling in Gnisis using the cave-dwelling tileset.

Right-click on "Kalandero Cave Dwelling" and click "set as <data files> directory.

The Fires of Orc by Alice93 & Lucevar

This mod lets you join an Orcish clan, and do quests for them.

GRAZELANDS (Vos, Tel Vos, Tel Mora)

OAAB Grazelands by Melchior Dahrk

This mod is an overhaul of Vos and Tel Vos, the land surrounding them, and the two nearby egg mines, covering a large portion of the northern Grazelands.

Mods: Magicka Expanded, Remiros Groundcover, Old Vos Tradepost

Texture Resolution: HD

OAAB Tel Mora by Melchior Dahrk

OAAB Tel Mora enhances the city of Tel Mora by adding new buildings, new quests, detailing the landscape, and more.

Select the following option(s):


URH - Khuul by MwGek

Overhauls Thongar's Tradehouse in Khuul to be more unique.

Alternate Khuul by TheWanderer001 & JayberXD

Swaps all the shack interior and exteriors in Khuul with unique retextured variants

Add a lighthouse to Khuul

Visit Khuul to find the new market of Tirram Terala, an eccentric peddler with wares to sell and stories to tell. Browse his selection of exotic goods from all over Tamriel and beyond. He might even have a few heirlooms he picked up during his adventuring days.

Select the follwing option(s):

Sa'Virr, the greatest bladesmith Nirn ever knew. He boasts a wide collection of blades, from far and wide. Blades with flat faces, and some tall as towers. He searches for the mate to his favourite sword, which he also calls his favourite sword. Will you help him find his favourite sword?

A Cold Cell by Tewlwolow

Travel to Khuul and investigate the rumours about a smuggling operation nearby. Or perhaps it's more than that?

Select the following option(s):

Troubled Waters by globemallow

Dive for secrets and uncover the mysteries of the Cliffracer's Roost in this short adventure.


Overhaul of Maar Gan (Includes Lucevar's Huleen's Hut)

Ashlander Addon: yes

Magic Rock of Maar Gan: yes

Another Markgran Forest by Markond - inspired by Demanufacturer87s

Another take on Demanufacturer87s Markgran Forest mod. Covers the area near Maar Gan in a new mushroom forest.

Belial is a Daedric companion with unique dialogue, who will try to persuade you that the world is a bad place.

Navigate to Data Files, Right-click on Data Files, select "set <data files>as directory".

Select ONE plugin, 1.0.3_m for a male companion, 1.0.3_f for the female version.


Almalexia's Chamber Overhaul by RandomPal and Vegetto or Almalexia Splendor by Katya

Both are gorgeous, totally up to personal taste. I'm going with Katya's because it preserves the vanilla layout and does not rename the cell i.e. is not straight-up incompatible with any more that adds anything to the cell.

For Almalexia's Chamber Overhaul, select the following options:

Immersive Mournhold by Kalian, Princess Stomper, and RandomPal

A compilation of Mourhold mods.

Overhauls those mostly empty green areas in Mournhold's Temple Courtyard by adding rocks, plants and some other stuff. The goal is to make those areas prettier and more interesting.

Tamrielic Lore by PikachunoTM

Allows more artefacts to be given to the Museum in Mournhold.

Select the following options: Tamriel Lore.esm and `Tamrielic Lore AddOn MoA Improved Expanded

A lore and visual overhaul of Morrowind's Guild Guides. Adds a new faction headquarters for the Guild Guides beneath the Mournhold Royal Palace, as well as a short questline that begins on Vvardenfell and eventually ties in to the main quest of Tribunal.

Select the following


Dark Molag Mar by Rattfink333, Danae's edits

Redone Molag Mar with textures from AnOldFriend to make it unique from Vivec. Molag Mar looks muddy and dark.

I edited this mod to remove the interior cells for compatibility.

Install the mod, the re-install Glow in the Dahrk to include the Dark Molag Mar patch

Molag Mar by Nwahs and Mushrooms Team

Detailing Molag Mar.

This mod adds a small shop at the Molag Mar Waistworks.

Smuggler's Market by BillyFighter

Pirates on the shore of Azura's Coast, along with a market, tavern, and small cavern. Includes one short quest.

An overhaul of The Pilgrim's Rest Tavern in Molag Mar. A better interior, 6 new quests, new dialogue, additions to a local tomb, and more.


Ivy Pelagiad by Korana & Danae

Select the following option(s):

I've left tw_cloud_storage.esm as a master in the Apathecary's Demise addon by mistake. It is safe to remove the dependency with Wrye Mash.

Adds a shop to Pelagiad where you can bath, bathtubs, soaps and towels

I have re-packaged the mod (it comes and an excecutable file, was all the rage back then :) ) and optimised textures for ease of use.

Korana's Provincial Bath Shoppe, now with a questline suitable for low level characters and overhauled interior using OAAB/TD assets. Also adds new perfumes and other toiletry items by DimNussens and Lucevar.

Overhauls the interiors of Pelagiad using assets from OAAB data and TD.

Download and install the main file.

Magical Missions Recharged patch is currently outdated (and also not crutial)

It's just a windmill on the hill near Pelagiad with a small interior.

Download main file

A voiced companion with quests, dungeons, new gear and unlockable features.

Download Alternate Spot file

+ The Professional patch IF you installed the Professionals

Apothecary's Demise by MatthewTheBagel

Apothecary's Demise is a quest mod (For any level, +11 for the dungeon) about choice, that starts in the quaint abode in the Ascadian Isles. Upon entering this nice Apothecary's Abode, you are greeted with a dead apothecary and a note written in his dying breath.

Right-click on Data Files and click "set as <Data Files> directory".

Yul Marshee and the Visage of Mzund by The Provincial Privateers

Embark on a set of unique adventures by helping out Yul Marshee complete her collection of lost treasures and assist her in building a bizarre Dwemer contraption.

Select the following option(s):

Get Sharp by Rubberman and Greatness7

Sharpen your blades, temper your clubs. Get Sharp is here.

There must be something in the water... Everyone who drinks out of a certain well in Pelagiad ends up sick!

Carefully Cluttered Cozy Cat Cottage by Juidius and DimNussens

An overhaul of Ahnassi's house in Pelagiad.

A disease of an unusual nature has come to Pelagiad. Will you come to the aid of the townsfolk or let them dance until they drop?

Select the following options

  • MGE XE

  • HD


An atmospheric expansion of the Thieves Guild hideout in Sadrith Mora.

Of Musk and Mer - A Sadrith Mora Tale by DimNussens and DetailDevil

A new shop has opened in Sadrith Mora. People from all over Vvardenfell travel here to purchase the famous Telvanni bug musk. Not only will you get an insight into the secrets of bug musk alchemy but you'll also help the perfumist, Dalmil Seloth, find the culprit who desecrated and plundered the tomb of his family.

Of Murk and Mussels - A Sadrith Mora Trader by DimNussens and DetailDevil

This mod adds a unique and detailed salvage shop to Sadrith Mora with a quest and lots of unique clothing and armour assets.

Adds a musician and an artist to Sadrith Mora (BCOM compatible). To start the quest, talk to Veradul Dervayn, the artist, who for some odd reason prefers to paint at night.

Telvanni Lighthouse in Sadrith Mora by RR Team, pinsvinn & RandomPal

Adds a Telvanni lighthouse in Sadrith Mora

Terror of Tel Amur by Team Kwamakaze Kagouti

Adds a series of heists and a quest to investigate a mysterious new tower deep in the Molag Amur wilderness

Select the following option(s):

Tel Chendzel by Walker Horton and Bradford Horton

Adds a furnished, uncluttered Dwemer/Telvanni tower to the south of Sadrith Mora. Perfect for mages, scholars, or anyone who likes to squat in ancient ruins.

Secrets of the Crystal City by Ancestral Ashkhans

The lost "Crystal City" of Massama has been discovered by a desperate group of escaped slaves.

Select the following option(s):

Adds a new room in the Telvanni Council House where the player, and the other npcs, can relax, sleep and eat.

OAAB Market by Kalinter

Overhauls the Sadrith Mora Market with assets from OAAB Data and Tamriel Rebuilt.

Download and install the 'OAAB Market - Performance and Compatibility' file.


AFFresh by AFFA

Adds about 30 low-level quests to Seyda Neen, Balmora, and a particular category of people.

The Lucky Fellow by Zackhasacat & Danae

Discover the story of the lucky fellow in Seyda Neen as told by its inhabitants.

Haldenshore by JOG, Danae's edits

It adds a new town next to Seyda Neen, as well as 16 new Thieves Guild quests.

Dialogue improvement + shabby Seyda Neen compatibility.

OAAB overhaul of Seyda Neen, with unique building meshes, overhauled interiors, a coast guard station, two new taverns, unique dialogue, and more!

Download and install "OAAB Seyda Neen - Damp Little Squat"

Download and MERGE "SNDLS Shipyards of Vvardenfell v1.6.8 patch"

Rescue a slave and help him reach Old Ebonheart.

This adds a smithy with a quest to Seyda Neen.

Select 00, 01 and 02


Moderate overhauls of the 3 strongholds for most games. If you know you're playing Telvanni, Stuportsr's Tel Uvirith should go here instead of Archimaestro Antares'

Dallara Bal Isra by Dallara1000

Right -click on "Data Files" and select "set as <data files> directory".

OR for a more fortified look:

Fortified Bal Isra by Vidi_Aquam

Extensive overhaul of the House Redoran player stronghold, turning it from 4 houses with a wall around them to a fully-fledged fortress town on a major road.

Rethan Redivivus by Istreddify

Adds a new manor turret and overlook platform/Skyport to the top of Tel Uvirith that grow automatically after becoming the Archmagister of Great House Telvanni.

Right -click on "Data Files" and select "set as <data files> directory".

Install TheArchmagister'sAbode.ovr in your actual E:\Morrowind\mge3 folder.

When you create distant land, add TheArchmagister'sAbode.ovr to your overrides.


White Suran 2 - MD Edition by Melchior Dahrk and Basswalker

Gives Suran a unique, pearly white texture to distinguish it from other Hlaalu settlements.

Game Engine: MGE-XE and MWSE

Texture Resolution : HD

Suran has a new pipe emporium run by the Abidi family. There may be a few quests to help the business for enterprising players.

Download and install ''.

Ashlander Silt Skiff by Juidius & Danae

Ashu-awa, an Ashlander hunter, undertakes a regular journey between Suran and Pelagiad on her trusty Silt Skiff, selling the spoils of her hunts and the potions and crafted items she has to offer.

Exclude this mod when generating distant land (MGE)

Transform Suran's apothecary into a lush haven of alchemical wonders.

Choose manual installation.

Expand 00 Core and 01 Patch-White Suran.

Drag the contents of 01 into 00

Right-click on 00 Core and click "set as <Data Files> directory".

A breathtaking mod that introduces captivating vertical gardens to the heart of the bustling city of Suran!

Select `Base Light Version"

The Brew Master by Merlord

Ever wanted to brew your own mazte, greef, shein or sujamma? Well, now you can!

Interior overhaul of Desele's House of Earthly Delights to be more atmospheric. Adds several new NPCs with unique dialogue, including a bouncer and several new patrons.

Raises the mountains between Suran and the Ashlands beyond.

Plunge into an engaging prequel to the events of the TES4:Shivering Isles expansion as the world shivers with Whispers of Jyggalag. The familiar sights of sewers and Thieves Guild operatives quickly unravel as you find yourself caught between two opposing forces while traversing the deepest parts of Vvardenfell.

Select the following option(s):

Suran Docks Light by Vallylilly & Danae

Adds a small dock to Suran with a boat and travel service.

Where Merchants Flea by Melchior Dahrk

An orc you might recognize in Suran has had a stroke of bad luck. Bula gra-Muk purchased a pillow from some traveling khajiit. But the pillow came with more than just a fancy cover and she is looking more tired than usual...

Improves Oran Manor so it looks more like somewhere a noble might live. Comes with vanilla or white Suran versions.

Download "Snug Suran - Oran Manor Upgrade - White Suran"

Vaba-Amus Companion Character by TheDrunkenMudcrab

Near the outside of 'Desele's House of Earthly Delights' in Suran you may find an inebriated scrib with a crude sense of humor and a chip on his shoulder. Why you would choose to associate with him is anyone's guess.

Expand "Vaba-Amus Companion Character", Right -click on "Data Files" and select "set as directory.

Epand "Data Files and deselect "Vaba-Amus_Companion_Character.ESP.bak".

Be sure to install the shader in MGE (see below)

Uncover the mystery behind a stolen masterpiece perfume in a questline filled with intrigue, choices, and unique rewards. Will you restore justice, or strike a profitable deal?

Go for manual installation, from the `script` folder, drag SSQNinto datafiles/mwse/mods.


Tel Aruhn Chronicles by Team Lazy Lame Corprus Stalkers

Large scale overhaul of Tel Aruhn and Yansirramus Shrine with complete OAAB integration, new quests, and a lot more.

Download the main files + grass patches

Select the following option(s):

For the grass patch, select 01 Remiros Groundcover Patch

Merge when prompted


Arnchenzel - Dwemer Underwater House by Katya Karrel & Ruffin Vangarr

This mod adds a house to the southwest of Tel Branora. Maybe you'll even find a cool dwemer helmet too!

Overhaul of Tel Branora

A lightweight overhaul of Tel Branora and its surrounding islands.

Install main mod, then my edits (plugin replacer) in the same folder (left pane)

When prompted, select "merge"

An exterior overhaul of Tel Branora and the surrounding island to be more thematic to Mistress Therana.

Download "UnTetheredTelBranora"

For v1.1 of Tethered Tel Branora (full version). Patch for Domain of the Mad Mistress. Just move one of the tethering rocks and a few bits of clutter so they're not blocking the kwama lair. Replace Tethered Tel Branora's esp, requires original.

Install in Tethered Tel Branora and merge

Tel Branora LightHOUSE by Pinsvinn and Resdayn Revival Team

Takes the Resdayn Revival Team's Tel Branora Light house and adds a simple and small-scale Telvanni-themed house.

Right-click on "Tel Branora Lighthouse" and click "select as <data files> directory.

Journey through this quest mod to improve your alteration magic.

An overhaul of Sethan's Tradehouse in Tel Branora. 3 new quests, a better interior, and more!

Trerayna Dalen and her followers have been stuck standing outside Tel Branora for more than 20 years. It's time they finally had a proper camp.


Corprusarium - Sorrow Heart of Tel Fyr by Nwahs and Mushrooms Team

Download Corprusarium - Sorrow Heart of Tel Fyr EN


Arena Cistern Lair by Bradford Horton

Just a simple uncluttered house in the Arena Underworks in Vivec. Made for a nightblade but could suit any character.

Always clean your mod, this one in particular because of the evil GMSTs that break things.

Baar Dau - Ministry of Truth by Nwahs and Mushrooms Team

A new model of the moon. Redesigned interiors. Animations for NPC.

Download Baar Dau - Ministry of Truth EN

Allows your character to write books and make money publishing them.

Download both files. Install in the same folder and select merge when prompted.

Concept Art Palace (Vivec City) by Vegetto & NMTeam & Leyawynn

The Concept Art Palace mod (C.A.P.) is my attempt to bring the Vivec palace closer the original Kirkbride's concept art.

There are many options but you'll see images to help you pick the ones you want.

  • Interior Clutterlong : NO

Concept art Vivec Ports by RandomPal & Atrayonis

Adds new ports to the beautiful city of Vivec

Select the following option(s):

A quest mod that tries to compensate for the tedium of "fetch me an item" quests by giving characters motivation to want the items.

Adds a Fishmonger Hall to the St. Olms Brewers and Fishmongers Hall in Vivec.

Right-click on Data Files, select "set <data files>as directory".

Overhauls the pit area in the Lower Waistworks of the Foreign Quarter in Vivec to a cozy flea market

Guild of Vampire Hunters by AliceL93 & Lucevar

This mod allows you to role play as a vampire hunter, finally. Quests, new characters, unique dialogue, equipment and a lot more.

Turns Alice's Guild of Vampire Hunters into an actual faction.

Imperial Employment Office (MD Edit) by Tabris and Melchior Dahrk

  • Game engine: MGE XE

  • Texture Resolution: HD

  • Patches: Seyda Neen Lighthouse mods

Library of Vivec Enhanced by RandomPal and Vegetto

Overhaul of the Library of Vivec to make it the interesting place it was meant to be.

  1. Download and install the main file

Lamp options: your call! (images to help you choose)

Add additional Animated Morrowind NPCs?: also your call :)

  1. Download and install "Yet Another Guard Diversity - Regular Patch". Select "merge" when prompted.

Master of Puppets by ProfArmitage

Recover a stolen arcane tome from a renegade wizard and his magically animated puppet servants.

  • Files to install:

    • Master of Puppets (Main Files)

    • Master of Puppets-Better Typography (Optional Files)

  • Double click the mod in MO2 and go to the Optional ESPs tab, move to the left (make optional):

Two new quests that set you on the hunt for a unique book in a new dungeon

Download "Library of Vivec Overhaul - QuestOnly".

I chose to have the new light model and the animated npcs.

Skywind Concept Art Arena by Vegetto & RandomPal

Modifies the Vivec Arena to align with the concept art material by RomanDubina, created for Skywind.

Select the following option(s):

In MO2 left pane, find "Skyind Concept Art Arena", doucle-click and navigate to optional ESPs. Move RPNP_Skywind_Style_Arena.esp from Available ESPs to Optional ESPs.

A Velothi lighthouse has been added to the peninsula south of Ebonheart. Now the ships can safely navigate to the docks at the city of Vivec.

Select the following option(s):

A 4-part questline that lets you assist the lighthouse keeper at the Vivec Lighthouse south of Ebonheart

Overhauls the path to Vivec Lighthouse

Palace of Vehk by Enclavekiller

Clutters up Vivec's Palace so it now resembles the home of a god rather than the depressing chamber of emptiness we got in vanilla.

Download "Palace of Vekh - Concept Art Palace Patch".

Install in the same folder (left pane) and merge when prompted.

In the left pane, find Palace of Vehk and double-click. Navigate to Optional ESPs and move Palace of Vehk.ESP from the Available espS to the Optional ESPs.

Passage of Prayers - High Fane Corridor Overhaul by Leyawynn - Sataniel - Remiros

This mod makes the previously empty High Fane corridor a more interesting location.

Select the following option(s):

Rescue Mission by ProfArmitage

Go on a quest to find a mage's missing daughter.

Right -click on "Data Files" and select "set as <data files> directory".

Adds a dye room to Vivec, St. Olms Tailors and Dyers Hall. That is all.

The Great Seawall stands south of Vivec, serving as a fortification to repel naval assaults against the city, and as a chokepoint to control maritime traffic to and from Ebonheart and Vivec. It offers splendid views of both the Ascadian Isles and the Inner Sea.

Select the following option(s)

The Pearl Divers by globemallow

Meet One-Eye and Beela Fire-Beard, two Argonian pearl divers with a mysterious connection.

The Striderport in Vivec by RandomPal and Vegetto

Overhaul of the Striderport in Vivec

Select the following option(s):

The Order of the Arcane Watch is an organization of unlikely alliances, tenuous relationships, and opposing motivations, held together by just one interest: aberrant magic.

A short quest involving a strange gauntlet. Ask about rumors in Vivec to start.

Modern Adventurer by the Modern Adventurer Staff

The Modern Adventurer is a humorous/helpful publication, in the tradition of Daggerfall web newspapers such as The Tamriellic Enkwyror and The Evening Star. Read through 6 publications, visit the offices in Vivec city, marvel at unique artifacts, and even help write an issue!

This mod adds in Dawnbreaker as well as a full quest with a unique and lore friendly story, new npcs, and a shrine to Meridia.

Brave the dangers of Vvardenfell in this lore-friendly quest mod to reforge Goldbrand into the mysterious Eltonbrand. Speak to Sirilonwe in the Vivec Mages Guild while carrying Goldbrand to begin the quest.

An overhaul of the Hlaalu Ancestral Tomb using OAAB Assets.

Last updated