Diverse and HD World
This next batch of mods makes Morrowind prettier. Skip any you don't like, especially if you are worried about fps.
Dying Worlds - moons retexture OR Concept Art Moons by Tiddy
Markel is working on a new Moon texture replacer, watch this space, it's super promising.
Reduces the plastic look of enchanted items.
Select the option "faint". (personal choice, I like to know when npc have enchanted gear.
Subtle Smoke by wazabear
Better Telvanni Crystal by SenebAnkh-Nelldrak
This is a replacer for crystals you can find in Telvanni buildings and some caves.
Download and install Better Telvanni Cristals 2K.
Near Vanilla Road Sign Replacer by Atrayonis
Road Signs are readable.
Check the following option(s):
Vibrant Ivy and trellis additions by RandomPal and Vegetto
Ivy replacer, not even animated but infinitely better than vanilla.
New ivy: Yes
BCoM addon: No
Treillis addon: For the new ivy models
Bitter Coast Scum Replacer by Anumaril and Lougian
Replaces swamp scum with a standalone edit of Lougians meshes that allow activation through the mesh.
Check the following option(s):
Winged Twilight Replacer by Lamb Shark
Replaces the model and animations of the Winged Twilight
Check the following option(s):
Flame Atronachs Rekindled (Replacer) by Svergy and Rotat
A flame atronach replacer for both MWSE and OpenMW. Features seamlessly looping animated skin across the whole of the atronach's body, and an enhanced death animation leaving behind empty armour and smoking fire salts.
Downlaod "MWSE - Flame Atronachs Rekindled (Replacer)"
Data Files,
select "set as <data Files> directory, click OK.
Ultimate Creeper Party House by VonDjangos
The whole of Ghorak Manor is jamming! Creeper is playing the drums, but he's now got a whole band on the lute and bagpipes.
Expansions Integrated by Necrolesian
Integrates much of the content of the Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansions within the rest of the game world.
Select 'Expansions Integrated - Fewer BM Creatures.esp"
Hybrid Trees by MOPTeam-ShadowMimicry-Silentjacket
MOP's optimized tree meshes with ShadowMimicry's leaves. Kinder on fps than Vegetto's Swamp Trees.
OR, if fps is not an issue
Morrowind Swamp Trees by Vegetto
Reworks MD Grath trees in Bitter Coast to make them more vanilla friendly.
Check the following option(s):
Vanilla-friendly West Gash Tree Replacer by Melchior Dahrk
Tree Types: Pine (Default)
Ashfall Trees Patch: yes
Melchior's Excellent Grazelands Acacia by Melchior Dahrk
Select Add-ons: Ashfall + OAAB_Data
Remiros' Ascadian Isles Trees 2 by Remiros
✨Onion - Layered Accessories by Safebox
A framework that lets you equip more items.
OAAB Integrations by Melchior Dahrk et al.
Download the following, when prompted, select "merge"
OAAB Dark Temptations
OAAB Onionized: Right-click
Data Files,
select "set as <data Files> directory, click OK.OAAB Scroll Qualities: 00 No Icons
The other integration addons are handled with Wares and Creatures and Citters more broadly and systematically.
NOD - NPC Outfit Diversity by Lucevar
Check the following option(s):
All Books Color-Coded and Designed by XeroFoxx
ll Books each have their own unique customized design & are colour-coded by subject.
Melchior's Magnificent Manuscripts by Melchior Dahrk
Check the following option(s):
Old Dwemer Books by Yar-Yulme
Data Files,
select "set as <data Files> directory, click OK.Check the following option(s):
Comrade Raven's Book Arts Replacer by Alfred Khamidullin and Comrade Raven
Data Files,
select "set as <data Files> directory, click OK.
Tarhiel's Journal by Endoran
Illustrated ABC's for Barbarians by XeroFoxx
The Vanilla Book "ABC's for Barbarians" is now FULLY illustrated A-Z.
RR Mod Series - Morrowind Statues Replacer by Resdayn Revival Team et al
Check the following option(s):
Smooth Glass Weapons by Stuporstar
Check the following option(s):
Smooth Orcish Weapons by Stuporstar
Nordic Mesh Improvements by Remiros
Check the following option(s):
Silver Mesh Improvements by Remiros
Check the following option(s):
Insanity Weapons Replacer by Anroha Insanity Darkfri
Download the main file and the weapon sheathing patch.
When prompted, select "Merge".
Insanity's Dwemer Weapon by InsanitySorrow, Remiros & Markel
Yet Another Weapon Sheathing Patch by PaTaFx et al
Downalod and install the "Insanity's Dwemer Weapons - Sheathing Patch"
Daedric Lord Armor Morrowind Edition by McMuffin converted by Bahamu
Correct UV Mudcrab by tronvillain
Navigate to Correct Mudcrab / Smoothed / DataFiles
Data Files,
select "set as <data Files> directory, click OK.
Thickle-Lo - The Succulent Hackle-Lo Mod by Melchior Dahrk
Succulent Scathecraw by Remiros
The Ebonheart Akatosh Statue by Vegetto
Replace the Ebonheart statue with a more modern take on it.
Select the following option(s)
This mod replaces 36 textures of the banners and flags on Vvardenfell.
Install 00 Core MQ
HD Clutter by QwertyQuit
Replaces clutter textures in high resolution.
Get the all-in-one download and select all the options
Blue Ghastly Glowyfence by wazabear and rabcor
A pluginless version of Ghastly Glowyfence retextured to look more like vanilla.
You can choose default or more glowy, the modpage has screenshots to help you decide.
Dim's Clothing Ground Object Replacer by DimNussens
Replaces the ground objects for skirts, robes, shirts, and trousers.
Fancy Barenziah by QwertyQuit or Royal Barenziah by RandomPal or Queen-Mother Barenziah -- Hail to the Queen by DimNussens.
Qwertquit takes inspiration from Daggerfall and Legends, while RandomPal uses Tamriel Rebuilt. DimNussens takes inspiration from Skyrim, especially for the headpiece.
For my install, I picked Royal Barenziah, option 3.
Pluginless replacer for Dagoth Ur and his brothers, with tweaked body proportions and shadow meshes, new HD particles, and corpse models.
Files to install:
Divine Dagoths
On MO2 installation, check the following options in the installer:
Double click the mod in MO2 and go to the Optional ESPs tab, move to the left (make optional):
See screenshots to pick. Lambsharks is closer to vanilla aesthetics.
Divine Vivec by OffworldDevil or Vivec Remade by LambShark
See screenshots to pick. Lambsharks is closer to concept art
Dagoth Ur HD by Vegetto
This mod replaces Dagoth Ur assets with modern, higher-quality ones.
select 01 as well 00 if you want the sigil (see screenshots), otherwise, install only 00.
Last updated